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  • Dr. Mena Birett

Ten tips toward being personally responsible for your success in college

Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Sometimes, it is not about how intellectual you are, but rather how smart you are about organizing yourself and being serious about your academic success.

Successful students . . .

1) . . . are responsible and active. It is important for you to get involved in your studies, accept responsibility for your own education, and actively participate in it.

2) . . . have educational goals. It is important for you to have legitimate goals and be motivated by what they state in terms of career aspirations and life’s desires.

3) . . . ask questions. It is important for you to ask questions to provide the quickest route between ignorance and knowledge.

4) . . . learn that a student and a professor make a team. It is important to know that most instructors want exactly what you want — they would like for you to learn the material in their respective classes and earn a good grade.

5) . . . don’t sit in the back. It is important to minimize classroom distractions that interfere with learning.

6. . . . take good notes. You need to take notes that are understandable, organized and review them often.

7) . . . understand that actions affect learning. Your personal behavior affects your feelings and emotions which in turn can affect learning.

8) . . . talk about what they are learning. You should get to know a topic/subject well enough that you can put it into words.

9) . . . don’t cram for exams. Divided periods of study are more effective than cram sessions.

10) . . . are good time managers. You should tackle a task head-on and not procrastinate

C.A.N. is here for you to ensure that you are up to the challenges that lay ahead. If you would like to discuss the transition to college and how C.A.N. can be of assistance, please fill out the contact us page on our website.

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