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  • Dr. Mena Birett

Failure to Launch

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

We all procrastinate. During times of stress, procrastination kicks in as coping mechanism. However, it is anything but harmless.

Procrastination is a self-inflicted wound. We feel good in the present at the expense of long-term goals. It has nothing to do with being lazy. It does damage to our self-confidence.

We must exercise positive self-talk. If you believe you’re a procrastinator, you’ll dismiss all of the evidence that you’re not. In order to overcome procrastination you have to change your underlying belief of who you are. The words you use to describe yourself create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Another trick when dealing with obligations is to perceive them as opportunities. Saying things like: “I get to _____________.” Instead of “I have to ______________.” A simple change of perspective can switch things from being chores to being action steps toward your success.

To get yourself out of chronic procrastination, you need to create new habits.

Habits determine who you are. Habits change your beliefs about your identity; identity changes are necessary to sustain behavior change. The four simple steps to better habits are: 1) cue (obvious) – you notice the reward; 2) craving (attractive) – you want the reward; 3) response (easy) – getting the reward, and 4) reward (satisfying) – teaches us that rewards are worthwhile.

It is important to: 1) use repetition in reinforcing habits; 2) Make it easy to choose positive habits, 3) Make incremental changes, and 4) have an accountability partner (coach/peer).

C.A.N. is here for you to ensure that you are up to the challenges that lay ahead. If you would like to discuss the transition to college and how C.A.N. can be of assistance, please fill out the contact us page on our website.

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